sábado, abril 14, 2007

as imagens e a democracia por David Levi Strauss

"(...) In political terms the distribution of images is more important than their collection, and the distribution of public images is still primarily controlled by corporations. Moreover, as decisions about the distribution of images become more and more concentrated in fewer and fewer corporations, manipulation increases and criticality wanes. The relative fluidity of access on the internet is rapidly becoming monetised (and thus, highly regulated) at every level. Whether or not the last vestiges of net neutrality are obliterated by law in the next few years, the distribution of images will remain a function of the larger market. Although some possibilities for resistance still exist online, the overwhelming trend is toward managed "social" networks, ideological isolation, and mandatory advertising. Advertising engineers have long known that if you can isolate consumers and turn them into monads ensconced alone before screens, you can control them without having to worry about any "social" interference. "
David Levi Strauss "Click here to disappear: thoughts on images and democracy" in Open Democracy
"David Levi Strauss is a writer and critic. He is the author of Between Dog & Wolf: Essays on Art & Politics (Autonomedia, 1999) and Between the Eyes: Essays on Photography & Politics, which has an introduction by John Berger (Aperture, 2003) ."
Esta reflexão está a começar. Apesar, ou sobretudo, do universo Web ainda estar em franca expansão no que à sua utilização, e capacidade de utilização, diz respeito.
A manipulação da imagem é já uma brincadeira de crianças, acrescentando às limitações do fenómeno físico da percepção as distorções digitais na própria imagem captada do "real". A noção de documento e de prova a sofrer um ajuste epistemológico. Já para não falar dos actuais critérios nas escolhas editoriais que ditam a sorte de uma imagem quanto à sua publicação em meio de grande circulação. Ver post anterior.

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